Honey from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country located on the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. It’s bordered by Croatia to the north and west, by Serbia to the east and by Montenegro to the south. While a part of the nation’s southwest border nestles up to the Adriatic Sea, it has just 12 miles of coastline.
Known for its beautiful countryside and untouched natural resources, Bosnia and Herzegovina prides itself on family-run farms. Its rich Mediterranean climate, wide range of landscapes, and plant life that ranks among the most diverse in Europe, help make it prime real estate for bees – and therefore ideal for beekeeping. Now a hidden gem of the honey world, Bosnia and Herzegovina has worked to win back its reputation and industry after the devastating effects of the Bosnian War more than 20 years ago. The nation, steeped in tradition, strives to move forward without forgetting its past.

Limited Quantities | Pesticides
Many factors come into play when farming bees and harvesting honey. As farmers do with any crop, beekeepers report good seasons and slow seasons, and like many natural resources, production relies on the weather -- which can be unpredictable. Flowers are necessary for bees to do their work, and too little or too much rain, sun, heat or cold can affect the amount of honey harvested in any given year.
Over the past 10 years, there has been a decline in bee population due to a combination of pesticides, loss of habitat and climate change – especially in the United States, where pesticide use, particularly those known as neonicotinoids, has been rampant. Fortunately, the use of this pesticide and other fungicides is now regulated here in the U.S., and neonicotinoids are banned entirely in Europe. BoomBeez® honey has not been touched by these pesticides, which not only harm bees but the plant life from which they collect their honey.
If you’re interested in reading more, or would like to support the ban of neonicotinoids in the United States, visit:

Benefits of Honey
Black locust is the least allergenic honey of all. Its antiseptic properties cleanse the liver and aid the respiratory system, and it can also help boost your energy. With a low sucrose content and a high fructose level, it’s the best choice for diabetics.
Black locust honey is similar to sage, with a light color and mild taste, but has a sweet, floral aroma and a slight hint of vanilla. It’s a great choice for children and is best paired with cheese.

With high levels of trace minerals, iron and vitamins B and C, chestnut honey is said to strengthen muscles, improve circulation, relieve fatigue, boost the immune system and aid the respiratory and digestive systems.
Yellowish-brown with a strong scent, chestnut honey tends to have a more bitter taste, and is commonly used for recipes. People who enjoy this honey tend to appreciate a more mildly sweet flavor.

High in antioxidants, flower honey is believed to relieve seasonal allergies, promotes weight management and is a natural cough suppressant. It’s been used as a sleep aid and as a natural, healthy substitute to sugar.
Flower honey varies from light and fruity to rich and tangy. The color and flavor depend on the different seasonal wildflowers found in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Sage is a natural antiseptic that’s easily absorbed into the body. The sage leaf is used to treat digestive problems, including loss of appetite, gas, stomach pain and heartburn. It’s also used to stem depression, memory loss and the overproduction of perspiration and saliva.
Thicker and lighter in color, with a slight herbal taste, sage honey is a hit with chefs because of its mild flavor. It’s also a unique honey because it crystalizes more slowly.

Winter savory is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals; its leaves are packed with potassium, iron, calcium, manganese, zinc and selenium. It also has high levels of vitamin B, and can help fight fungal infections and manage stress.
With a taste that has been described as a cross between thyme and mint, winter savory honey varies in color from dark yellow to brown and is most commonly used in teas.

Uses For Our Honey
Skin treatments:
Skin creams and spa treatments can be expensive, but honey is a more affordable, natural alternative. When mixed with coconut oil, honey can be used as a facial treatment. It leaves your skin super soft and can also help clear up moderate acne.
Hair products:
Honey is a great natural conditioner for dry hair. Just mix up warm honey and olive oil and apply it to dry or damaged hair. Leave the mixture in your hair for a short while, then rinse.
Medicinal use:
Honey not only tastes fantastic but can help relieve many medical issues. Heartburn, cough, respiratory issues and digestive problems are some of the common afflictions people choose to treat with honey instead of over-the-counter medicines. It’s a safe, natural way of soothing less serious conditions.
Healing wounds:
Honey has been shown to kill bacteria. If you have a small burn or wound, simply cover it with a light coating of honey. This process can help speed healing time.

Sugar substitute:
Many people use honey as a natural sweetener in coffee, tea and in recipes. It’s a great alternative to sugar products. Visit our Recipes page here for more ways of using honey as a sugar substitute.
Energy booster and weight-loss aid:
Honey, filled with naturl carbohydrates, is a great way to boost your energy! It also promotes weight loss, as your body can digest it much faster than regular sugar. Honey, along with diet and exercise, is beneficial for a healthier lifestyle.